Mr Logic: Ban ‘senseless’ songs on the airwaves

      Mr. Logic is President of the Songwriters Association of Ghana

President of the Songwriters Association of Ghana, Emmanuel Barnes popularly known as Mr Logic, says some of the songs released lately do not make sense at all and should be banned from the airwaves.

He made this call when he spoke with Graphic Showbiz about the impact some of the songs being churned out in recent times are having on the youth.
For many, it seems the more ‘nonsensical’ the song, the more popular it gets and it seems this has become the easiest way for artistes to get attention.

Some recent examples are Patapaa’s One Corner which had a vulgar dance accompanying it, Medikal’s Wrowroho, which comes with an outrageous dance where people strip naked and now Daavi Neba featuring Patapaa’s Scopatomana phrase.

According to Mr Logic, some of the songs that are out now do not make sense at all.
“They are not timeless songs. There are songs from the likes of Kojo Antwi that are still impactful when played, how many years has he been in the industry?

“The songs that are coming out now cannot even last for two years. Let us take a song like One Corner from Patapaa, yes it made some waves but can we say that song can still be relevant after two years?
“Even as we speak, the vibe, the energy for the song is down and I want to ask, is that what they want as artistes?”

Mr Logic said music must impact people positively, so what was happening now was unfortunate.
“Music is supposed to be educative and informative, it should be transformational; it should speak to people and their issues.
“What people do not know is that music has a psychological effect on people and artistes should consider that when churning out songs but unfortunately, that is not what we see going on,” he stressed.

Mr Logic also blamed the media for making such songs gain popularity.
“The media is also not helping, they are playing these songs and my fear is that a time will come when that will be all we have left so far as music is concerned.

“DJs and presenters are not scrutinising the songs they play, they play just anything and that is it. This is not good and it should not be encouraged,” he said.
On how to curb this trend, Mr Logic said all stakeholders needed to collaborate.
“We cannot do this on our own; we need the media to collaborate with us so we can sieve what song gets airplay. They cannot be influencers of bad songs.

“We on the other hand will be having some seminars and sensitisation programmes for the public and artistes on the need to put great songs with good lyrics out there so that we can make Ghana a better place,” he stated.
